

ENAGIC COMPANY HISTORY  2014 to 2020 April 2014 :  Enagic Brazil open June 2014 :  40th Founding Anniversary Global Convention Okinawa, Japan Launch new K8 Machine October 2014 :  Mongolia office opened March 2015 :  Enagic Bowling Alley opened June 2015 :  Global Convention Held at Anaheim CA. USA October 2015 :  Enagic Russia Open January 2016 :  Enagic India Open July 2016 :  Global Convention held in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA October 2016 :  E8PA Resort and Business Training Center in Okinawa opened May 2017 :  Global Recognition Ceremony in Hong Kong July 2017 :  Global Recognition Ceremony in Germany September 2017 :  Dubai office opened                       September 2017 :  Global Recognition Ceremony in Atlantic City, NJ /  Global Recognition Ceremony in Singapore January 2018 :  Global Recognition Ceremony in Los Angeles March 2018 :  Global Recognition Ceremony in Okinawa /  E8PA back office launches THANK YOU SHARE IN YOUR TEAM.


ENAGIC COMPANY HISTORY 2011 TO 2013 February 2011 :  1st Enagic Global Celebration held March 2011 :  Grand Opening of Enagic Korea /  Seattle Service Center opened April 2011 :  Enagic begins to collect donations from North American distributors and employees to aid victims of Eastern Japan Earthquake. May 2011 :  Donations from Enagic affiliates helped fund the bottling and distribution of mineral water to aid victims of the March earthquake and tsunami in Japan. 120,000 bottles were sent from the US directly to the evacuation shelters in Northeast Japan. /  Enagic is granted trademark status for the exclusive 8-Point Business Model June 2011 :  Enagic Europe GmbH first distributor training seminar was held in Düsseldorf, Germany. August 2011 :  Enagic receives WQA certification September 2011 :  Florida Branch office opened March 2012 :  Enagic Singapore was established /  First Global Convention held in Okinawa, Japan May 2012 :  Office in Paris, France opened /  Office in Rome, It


ENAGIC COMPANY HISTORY  2008 To 2010 March 2008 :  Enagic USA purchases its own building and moves from Gardena, CA to Torrance, CA. April 2008 :  Enagic Europe GmBH was established in Dusseldorf, Germany. October 2008 :  Enagic forms an amateur baseball team. March 2009 :  The Enagic Sports System, Inc. is established. April 2009 :  Enagic de Mexico was established in Monterrey. June 2009 :  Enagic 35th anniversary. November 2009 :  English version of the member newsletter, E-Friends was released. February 2010 :  Entirely new corporate website released. March 2010 :  Ukon was patented. April 2010 :  The Dallas branch office was opened.  Minami No Hatake restaurant opened. May 2010 :  Enagic Italy was established in Rome.  Enagic Australia was established in Sydney June 2010 :  Aroma Spa opens. July 2010 :  Launch of August 2010 :  The Enagic Dual Pre-Filter System is released /  Start of Summer Sizzle Sales Campaign /  Start of Global 8-Point Monthly Unit Contest


ENAGIC COMPANY HISTORY 2004 to 2005  April 2004 :  The Yanbaru Natural Materials factory is registered as an FDA facility. May 2004 :  Kangen Ukon is recommended by the Japanese Association for the Prevention of Geriatric Diseases. June 2004 :  The New York branch office was opened. Enagic celebrated 30th year anniversary. Began sales of Kangen Ukon Sigma. September 2004 :  Began sales of LeveLuk SD501. October 2004 :  The Chicago branch office was opened. February 2005 :  The LeveLuk DXII and JRII models was released. July 2005 :  Enagic Hong Kong was established in Kowloon. August 2005  :  The term KANGEN WATER is trademarked in the United States. January 2006 :  Sun Us was introduced. April 2006 :  Enagic USA is enrolled as an official member of the Direct Selling Association (DSA). July 2006 :  Enagic Canada was established in Vancouver. September 2006 :  The LeveLuk Under-the-Counter model is released.


ENAGIC COMPANY HISTORY 2001 to 2003 January 2001 :  Merged with Toyo Aitex. The company specializes in electrolysis water generating technology. August 2001 :  E-Friends Magazine was launched to distributors. April 2002 :  The LeveLuk series of Kangen Water® machines is solely recommended by the Japanese Association for the Prevention of Geriatric Diseases. May 2002  :  Headquarters were established in Tokyo. August 2002 :  The Enagic Service Division was established especially for the service and maintenance. April - September 2002 :  Osaka, Sapporo, Naha and Nago branches opened. January 2003 :  Designated Global Year One. International operations were initiated and Enagic USA, Inc. was born. April 2003 :  Cartridge and promotional goods supplier Enagic Supply Center was established. June 2003 :  Product line-up was expanded to include the LeveLuk Super 501 and the Anespa bath water system. July 2003 :   Los Angeles Branch Office was opened. September 2003 :  Enagic Taiwan was establ


ENAGIC COMPANY HISTORY  1974 to 2000 June 1974 :  Sony specialty trading operation, the precursor of Enagic, began operations in Okinawa, Japan. April 1987 :  The Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare authorizes the Enagic Osaka factory as a medical equipment manufacturer. March 1988 :  Company became Kangen water specialist with philosophy of True Health. 1990 :  The company changed its name to Enagic® and began selling Kangen Water®. 1998 :  Tokyo Shinagawa office opened.  The 8 -point system was created. January 2000 :  Enagic introduced and began sales of core product LeveLuk DX.

8 Best Times To Drink Kangen Water

8 Best Times To Drink Kangen Water 1. Drink Kangen Water When You First Get Up Imagine starting your car in sub-zero temperatures and putting it into gear without waiting for the engine to warm up. That’s a disaster waiting to happen. The same is true of the human body. Without water to wake up and turn on the body in the morning, you may be running on empty, especially if you  skip breakfast A glass of live kangen water right after you wake up tells your body that it’s time to get going. Like a gently flowing stream that pushes along debris and rocks, your circulatory system needs fluid to get rid of stubborn free radicals and residue from burned calories used during the night’s metabolism. 2. Drink Kangen Water Before a Meal Drinking kangen water before eating helps you feel fuller; that means you’ll be less likely to scarf your food down.                                             When you’re hydrated the stomach is also prepared for food; water wakes up taste buds and moisturizes